Brown Bear Knit Toy

Brown Bear Knit Toy

Over the holidays, my friend visited from Philadelphia and wanted to knit a bear for her nephew, so I offered to help her. To make it easier to teach her and because stuffed animals are adorable, I decided to make one, too. I had not fully knit a stuffed animal before, but I took a phenomenal class on toy knitting from Susan B. Anderson in 2013 that was really informative, so we got out the needles and went to work. 

Brown Bear Knit Toy /

My bear was knit with Cascade Eco Duo, which is incredibly soft as it is made from 70% undyed baby alpaca and 30% undyed merino wool. It turned out pretty cute (apparently I need to practice face embroidery for the future though). If you are looking for a similar bear pattern, check out Susan's book "Itty-Bitty Toys: How to Knit Animals, Dolls and Other Play Things for Kids".  I would not hesitate to buy the book if you give gifts to kids. There are tons of really cute animals and giving a hand knit stuffed animal that the child will keep for years beats spending a ton of time on a blanket or sweater that they will quickly out grow - in my opinion. Susan also has a great video about anchoring and embroidering eyes.  

You may need:

Skein Winder and Umbrella

Skein Winder and Umbrella

2/2 Extended Point Twill

2/2 Extended Point Twill