Crackle Weave

Crackle Weave

When I started weaving, more experienced weavers asked me, "Have you decided whether you are a pattern weaver or a texture weaver?"  I would think, "what are they talking about? I like both!" Turns out, I do LOVE both, but I am finding that I tend to enjoy patterns when weaving. I guess, it's important to have these realizations along the way.  

crackle and boundweave /

This is a pattern known as "crackle" or Jamtlandsvav as it is known in Sweden where it originated. Crackle is a twill based block weave that offers a lot of possibilities depending on how you treadle and your color choices. These photos are an example of possibilities as both were woven on the same warp, which is 10/2 perle cotton. The weft on the bottom sample in the photo is maroon Harrisville Shetland and is crackle woven with tabby. The pattern above it is boundweave in 4 Harrisville Shetland colors, which uses four separate shuttles and is woven as twill. It goes smoothly once you get into a rhythm, but I need to practice making it less bulky on the edges. Above that are Boundweave woven on opposites and lacy crackle. I like crackle a lot and am impressed with how many different patterns you can get from this threading.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Seattle Weavers' Guild 2015 Annual Sale

Seattle Weavers' Guild 2015 Annual Sale