New Warp

New Warp

Today I'm warping the loom to try a new pattern - well, new to me; the pattern is over 30 years old. It's taken me about two hours to get set up, but the final knot is tied. I have 192 ends of 3/2 orange yarn as the warp and I'm using a 10 dpi reed. I got the cone of yarn at the Seattle Weavers' Guild from a sale of the stash of a member who passed away. I don't wear orange much, but I love the vibrant color and the funds went to benefit the guild.

Warp or Weft : Orange Warp on Rigid Heddle Loom

When working with thinner strands of warp, I find it helpful to separate the 2 strands that I'm pulling through the slots on the reed. With the strands separated, it's easier to prevent pulling the wrong strand through the hole on the reed. Trust me, you don't want to deal with realizing that you messed it up 10 strands later. 

Warp or Weft : Warping a Rigid Heddle Loom

Good thing I have a helper (well, he thinks he's helping) because warping is hard work and it's been a busy day. I had a bright and early visit to the dentist, which is not my favorite place even when I get the all good at the end of the visit like I did today.

Warp or Weft : Ivan helping warp a loom

Now I'm going to work on the warp of this pattern and enjoy the sun that came out today after many days of clouds and rain. I can see Mt. Rainier, which I personally take as a sign that spring is on the way and that's delightful. 

Pickup Sticks

Pickup Sticks

What Size to Weave Items

What Size to Weave Items